Thursday, December 18, 2008

Linux system resource monitor using VMSTAT

Linux resource monitor using VMSTAT-Vmstat reports virtual memory statistics of processes, virtual memory, disk, trap, and CPU activity. Vmstat is useful to correlate memory, processes, and CPU utilization of a system. On multi-processor systems, vmstat averages the number of CPUs into the output.

vmstat interval count
options -- Options are used to get information about specific activity. A complete set of options can be seen by referring to man vmstat on your system.

interval -- This is the time period in seconds between two samples. Too small an interval (< 5 sec) may add command overhead to the output results, and the results may not reflect the true system state.

count -- This is the number of times the data is needed. The first line of vmstat gives the average of data since the time of system reboot and can be ignored. Without the count option, the command produces continuous samples until terminated by ^c. As a common practice, the samples are observed for some time without count argument to get a feel of system state.

r: The number of processes waiting for run time.
b: The number of processes in uninterruptable sleep.
w: The number of processes swapped out but otherwise runnable. This field is calculated, but Linux never desperation swaps.

si: Amount of memory swapped in from disk (kB/s).
so: Amount of memory swapped to disk (kB/s).

bi: Blocks sent to a block device (blocks/s).
bo: Blocks received from a block device (blocks/s).

in: The number of interrupts per second, including the clock.
cs: The number of context switches per second.

These are percentages of total CPU time.
us: user time
sy: system time
id: idle time

Run for a particular time & Redirect to file
Eg: Run the vmstat for 1 hour

vmstat -n 5 750 > filename.log &

750 --> Number of times at the interval of 5 sec. How --> 5*750/60*60 =~ 1 Hr

Bottleneck Idetification:
1. If the number of processes in the run queue column "r" under procs is consistently greater than the number of CPUs on the system, it will slow down the system because there are more processes than available CPUs.
2. If this number is more than four times the number of available CPUs in the system, then the system is facing a shortage of CPU resources.
3. If the idle time (cpu id) is consistently 0 and the system time (cpu sy) is double the user time (cpu us), the system is facing a shortage of CPU resources

LoadRunner Page Size Capture

LoadRunner Page Size Capture

The biggest hole in Mercury LoadRunner is its lack of page size monitoring. LoadRunner can monitor anything else imaginable, including transaction counts, transaction times, errors, and all Windows Performance Monitor metrics. However, monitoring page size, download times, and HTTP Return codes are only available through programming.

//Define the data types in int Section of the script
int iPageSize;
char *grouname;
char filename[1024];
long file;
int nItr;

//Create a unique file name
strcpy(filename, "C:\\tmp.txt");

// OPen the file as write mode ie: "w"
if ((file=fopen(filename,"w"))==NULL

lr_output_message("unable to open the file",filename);

// write the iteration number in the action section top
fprintf(file, "\nCurrent iteration #: %d\n", nIt++);

Some transaction.
// After every web_url(…) script when you want to capture the page size
// or At the end of transacation, add the following code snippet:

iPageSize = web_get_int_property(HTTP_INFO_DOWNLOAD_SIZE,);
fprintf(file, "Transaction name: %d Bytes\n", iPageSize);

//like that we can get the download time, return code


fprintf(file, "Transaction name: %d\n", iRetcode);
fprintf(file, "Transaction name: %d MilliSeconds\n", downloadtime);

//finally close the file
//Close the file after you finished all the page size capture and writing:

When should do we stop our testing?

At one of time we should need stop our testing activities for the release. Here are some criteria to go for release..

1. The number of bugs found is close enough to the number you expect to find.
2. All the tests have been run.
3. All the code has been exercised.
4. Every feature has been shown to work (with every other).
5. Every use case scenario has been exercised.
6. Code agitation has fallen enough.
7. Feature stability is sufficient.
8. The system can be shown to be within some Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability Profiles defined in the test plan.
9. The number and severity of outstanding bugs has fallen to a satisfactory level.10. When all regression, smoke, and confidence tests pass.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

First Blogging...

I got inspired from much tester community in the industry to write a blog about testing and my experience in this field.

Main purpose to write this blog
1) Own thoughts!
2) Experience
3) Sharing the knowledge which I read learned from others, etc

Thanks for reading my blog....
